Make Time for Exercise

Getting Fit May Be Easier Than You Think. First, make time for exercise.

Getting Fit May Be Easier Than You Think.

First, make time for exercise.

If you’re busy, don’t let it stop you. Just fit more activity into the things you already do every day – whether at home or at the office:

  • Take the stairs. You’ll get a workout and avoid that crammed office elevator. For a more strenuous workout, go up and down the stairs for 15 minutes.
  • Park farther away. Running errands, at work or dropping off kids, park as far away as you can to add a few steps into your day.

Before you know it, you’ll find you do have time to be active. Doctors recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate activity five or more times a week. So, if you take that brisk walk to and from your car every day, you’re well on your way to getting enough exercise.

Second, do what you love.

Maybe you love playing tennis, rolling around in the yard with your kids or perfecting your garden. When you enjoy exercise, you’re more likely to keep it up. Check out the estimated calories burned for someone between 130-190 pounds in an hour:

  • Playing billiards 148-216
  • Bowling 177-259
  • Cleaning the house 207-302
  • Cooking/preparing food 148-216
  • Dancing 266-388
  • Playing darts 148-216
  • Fishing 236-345
  • Playing Frisbee 177-259
  • Golfing 236-345
  • Mowing the lawn 325-474
  • Pushing stroller with child 148-216
  • Playing Ping-Pong 236-345

Lastly, get help from friends.

Everything is easier with help. If you know someone who’s already active, ask for tips and support. Or you could ask to join them for a workout.

Set small, but clear goals.

If you’re jogging, start with a half mile. The next week, try a full mile. Before you know it, you’ll be able to run a long distance. And if you have some setbacks, that’s okay. In the end, you’ll see success.

Track your progress.

Using a fitness tracker helps you measure things like steps walked and calories burned. This data helps you measure your success and stay motivated.

Think long-term.

Doctors say it’s best to do 30 minutes of moderate activity, like gardening or walking, at least five times a week. If that sounds like a lot, build on small goals month by month. What else is the key to success? Stay patient and positive until you get there – and you will get there.