Life Change Benefit Selection

If you’ve experienced a significant change in your life recently, you may be eligible to change your benefits selection. You’ll find answers to vital questions and everything you need to complete the process here.

Who is Eligible for ‘Life Change’ Benefit Selection?

There are several circumstances under which you can update your enrollment outside of open enrollment.

  • Change in Residence
  • Change in Marital Status
  • Change In Residence
  • New Baby or Adopted Child
Make Benefits Changes

Explore Your Benefits Options

Get the information you need about the benefits available to you:

Ready to Enroll?

You can enroll online or you can call a customer service representative who can do it for you.

Start Online Enrollment Call Us: 1-866-330-6555

Frequently Asked Questions

How and when can I change my benefits?

Who is eligible for benefits?

What is a qualified life event?

Enrollment Terminology, Explained

Choosing your benefits is easier when you understand exactly what you’re talking about. Here are definitions of common enrollment terms associated with employee benefits.





Health savings account (HSA)

High-deductible health plan (HDHP)

Health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs)



Out-of-pocket maximum

